When I wrote my story for Stories in EDU, I wrote about Cole. Cole and I are still in touch and this week he told me some amazing news. He has enlisted in the Army! Wow! I am so proud of him for following his dreams and for taking this next step for a better future. It has been an absolute joy teaching him and watching him grow!
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Drawn to Teach Book Review
I purchased this book over the summer and finally had time to sit down and read it. This book would make the perfect gift for any starting teacher especially!
It's a wonderfully light read with powerful messages. The two illustrations below are my all time favorites. It's a quick read, too! I don't know why I let it sit on my shelf for so long!
Friday, August 23, 2019
What's Your Everest?
What's your Everest?
We watched this video during our first faculty meeting.
Our principal pointed out that NONE of this would have been possible without the guide.
Who is your Nuru?
We watched this video during our first faculty meeting.
Our principal pointed out that NONE of this would have been possible without the guide.
Who is your Nuru?
Friday, August 16, 2019
Never Read The Comments!
As some of you may know, and if you're a loyal reader, you DO know .... my son was diagnosed with High Functioning Autism this past February. If you'd like to read more about that, click this link.
I am a true believer that everything has a purpose. Whether we like it or not, God has a plan. It's not our job to like it, but it is our job to trust it. After Elliot was diagnosed, I decided to join some parenting groups online and for the most part - it has been a rather positive experience.
However, lately, as the school year begins for kids on the spectrum -- there have been all sorts of posts out there which basically encourage parents to bully the special education teacher and the IEP team. I'm on both sides here. I'm a special education teacher and I do a damn good job. I'm entering year 15 and I've never once been taken to due process. I am also a mom of a child with Autism.
When I saw this post - I felt irritated:
"Remember, YOU are in charge, NOT them."
Ummm... actually, it's a team effort. That's why it is called an IEP TEAM. I don't know one educator out there who isn't in this for the best possible solution and plan for all students to be successful. I commented on the post and said it was a team effort and I was shocked at the amount of moms who ended up sending me private messages. I also indicated that some of the things on this list... aren't really accurate at all.
I reported the page for inaccurate information.
I completely understand that the IEP process can be an emotional one. I've been there. I cried during Elliot's first IEP meeting. I don't even know why! He's smart. He's gifted. He's just got a few quirks to iron out. But I cried. However, I never once viewed anyone in that room as the "enemy."
So let me be clear here ya'll.
Kids are smart. Whether they have an IEP or a GIEP or no IEP. Kids are smart. They sense stuff. If your kids sense that you have a negative rapport with their teacher or their team, it will impact their success. It's just how the cookie crumbles. If little Suzie knows you don't care for Mrs. Jones, do you think she's going to want to give Mrs. Jones her best?
Be nice to special education teachers and the IEP team. We aren't the enemy. I promise.
The reality is, right now, at this VERY moment - my family is up at the cabin. I am NOT with them. I'm in MY office reading the IEP's of MY students. I SHOULD be making smores with my kids. I should be catching some fireflies. Instead, I chose to put your kid before my pleasure. And I am NOT the only one. We all make sacrifices. Especially special ed teachers. Be kind. Form a relationship with your special ed teachers and case managers. It goes a long way.
To the parents of the kids I teach - thank you for your love and support as we work together to plan a bright future for your child. Thank you for the honor of allowing me teach and care for your child!
I am a true believer that everything has a purpose. Whether we like it or not, God has a plan. It's not our job to like it, but it is our job to trust it. After Elliot was diagnosed, I decided to join some parenting groups online and for the most part - it has been a rather positive experience.
However, lately, as the school year begins for kids on the spectrum -- there have been all sorts of posts out there which basically encourage parents to bully the special education teacher and the IEP team. I'm on both sides here. I'm a special education teacher and I do a damn good job. I'm entering year 15 and I've never once been taken to due process. I am also a mom of a child with Autism.
When I saw this post - I felt irritated:
"Remember, YOU are in charge, NOT them."
Ummm... actually, it's a team effort. That's why it is called an IEP TEAM. I don't know one educator out there who isn't in this for the best possible solution and plan for all students to be successful. I commented on the post and said it was a team effort and I was shocked at the amount of moms who ended up sending me private messages. I also indicated that some of the things on this list... aren't really accurate at all.
I reported the page for inaccurate information.
I completely understand that the IEP process can be an emotional one. I've been there. I cried during Elliot's first IEP meeting. I don't even know why! He's smart. He's gifted. He's just got a few quirks to iron out. But I cried. However, I never once viewed anyone in that room as the "enemy."
So let me be clear here ya'll.
Kids are smart. Whether they have an IEP or a GIEP or no IEP. Kids are smart. They sense stuff. If your kids sense that you have a negative rapport with their teacher or their team, it will impact their success. It's just how the cookie crumbles. If little Suzie knows you don't care for Mrs. Jones, do you think she's going to want to give Mrs. Jones her best?
Be nice to special education teachers and the IEP team. We aren't the enemy. I promise.
The reality is, right now, at this VERY moment - my family is up at the cabin. I am NOT with them. I'm in MY office reading the IEP's of MY students. I SHOULD be making smores with my kids. I should be catching some fireflies. Instead, I chose to put your kid before my pleasure. And I am NOT the only one. We all make sacrifices. Especially special ed teachers. Be kind. Form a relationship with your special ed teachers and case managers. It goes a long way.
To the parents of the kids I teach - thank you for your love and support as we work together to plan a bright future for your child. Thank you for the honor of allowing me teach and care for your child!
Monday, August 12, 2019
Zee bins, zee bins!
I don't know any teacher who is not a fan of Dollar Tree or any bargain.
Last year, despite the cubbies and despite the awesome wall hangers - I was having some serious issues with my ninth graders and their organization. It was a lot of modeling, taking time, practicing, etc. Many of the kids were big fans of organized chaos and even showed me pics of their bedrooms to prove it. In all my years of teaching, I never experienced a more unorganized class. My blessing was the kids embraced their issues and they were willing to learn. Executive functioning lessons to the max, yo.
So this year, I want to be ahead of things. Kids are all getting their own "slot" on the wall as well as the bin. However.... I'm poor. There's no way I could spend the money being asked for 40+ bins.
Dollar Tree to the rescue! I've never seen these bins at Dollar tree before and I scooped them up.
I was so serious about this purchase, I put them in a seat belt.
So let us talk about said bins, shall we? The slots on the wall will be for their folders and their workbooks (if applicable). The bins are going to contain the following items:
Last year, despite the cubbies and despite the awesome wall hangers - I was having some serious issues with my ninth graders and their organization. It was a lot of modeling, taking time, practicing, etc. Many of the kids were big fans of organized chaos and even showed me pics of their bedrooms to prove it. In all my years of teaching, I never experienced a more unorganized class. My blessing was the kids embraced their issues and they were willing to learn. Executive functioning lessons to the max, yo.
So this year, I want to be ahead of things. Kids are all getting their own "slot" on the wall as well as the bin. However.... I'm poor. There's no way I could spend the money being asked for 40+ bins.
Dollar Tree to the rescue! I've never seen these bins at Dollar tree before and I scooped them up.
I was so serious about this purchase, I put them in a seat belt.
So let us talk about said bins, shall we? The slots on the wall will be for their folders and their workbooks (if applicable). The bins are going to contain the following items:
- One pack of sticky notes (we respond to text a lot!)
- One eraser
- One highlighter
- Three pencils (sharpened)
- One marble copybook (Thank you, Staples!)
- One small journal.
A perk of this is also it will allow my students even more privacy. I've never once caught a student snooping in a journal that does not belong to them, but now it's even more unlikely.
I'm presently looking up paint markers so students can decorate their bins if they so choose.
Classroom photos and changes
If you've been in my room, you will notice that straight ahead in this photo is my desk. It's still in the same "area" but I moved it. It used to sit right against the back counter. However, I moved it for two reasons. Reason number one is not something I'm going to publicly blog about. Reason number two - it allows me an even better view of the room and provides more room in the back for students to work or for one-on-ones. I would love for it to be under my TV but I'm terrified of that beast falling on me.
This shelf used to be at the front door but it's now beside my desk. The shelf underneath (not pictured) will be a charging station.
These were an awesome Amazon investment. They're so strong. This will hold workbooks for students and their folders.
Classroom library! I've been doing a lot of donating, purging, and recycling this summer. Books that hadn't been checked out in 5+ years were donated. I really want to start building on my graphic novel collection. If you'd like to help with that, here is the link to my Amazon wishlist. :-)
This drawer and the photo below was inspired by my pal Dan Tricarico. Taking some time to find some Zen on stressful days. I teach special ed. We have a lot of those. :P
Ah, the world of special ed. We need storage for our paper/documentation/progress monitoring.
New writing center with lamp and music. Plenty of pencils and erasers.
View from the door. My table set up changes often. And I don't do it. The kids do.
Teacher confession: I don't mind "designing" the bulletin board but actually completing it is not my thing. Mad love to my hubs for "installing" the new purple paper with my dollar store ribbon. If you look really close, you'll see that there are lights going across the top and across the entire front board just like the side board. I received a lot of compliments last year from parents and admin about the lighting in my room considering I lack natural lighting.
This is a turn in station as well as a work station.
Another view of the room from under the television. More on the cubbies across the way in a later post.
This shelf used to be at the front door but it's now beside my desk. The shelf underneath (not pictured) will be a charging station.
These were an awesome Amazon investment. They're so strong. This will hold workbooks for students and their folders.
Classroom library! I've been doing a lot of donating, purging, and recycling this summer. Books that hadn't been checked out in 5+ years were donated. I really want to start building on my graphic novel collection. If you'd like to help with that, here is the link to my Amazon wishlist. :-)
This drawer and the photo below was inspired by my pal Dan Tricarico. Taking some time to find some Zen on stressful days. I teach special ed. We have a lot of those. :P
Friday, August 2, 2019
I bought this poster for my classroom. I'm presently brainstorming ideas. I'd like to explain the poster and do something hands-on with the kids... hmmm...
Tuesday, July 23, 2019
Oh my goodness, my blog readers are the best!
In response to THIS POST - my Twitter feed exploded. My text messages were ding-a-ling-linging. My inbox was hilariously full. Thank you for the responses - the ones safe for children and not - LOL!
Confession: This song is playing while I type this post.
In response to THIS POST - my Twitter feed exploded. My text messages were ding-a-ling-linging. My inbox was hilariously full. Thank you for the responses - the ones safe for children and not - LOL!
Confession: This song is playing while I type this post.
I do love a brown paper package tied up in string. And who doesn't love a crisp apple strudel? And yes I love those snowflakes that stay on my nose and eye lashes.
So here we go!
Favorite Words:
- jawn (I'm from Philly, what do you expect?)
- A quote I say to my students: "We do not allow our circumstance to turn into our excuse."
- I love you.
- The sound of laughter
- Thank You
- "Blame it on the Autism" --> If you were in #phs117 last year, you know why, LOL
- I'll try my best.
- I'll clean the house. You sleep.
Favorite Books:
- The Little Prince
- Stories in EDU ((and not just because I wrote part of it, LOL!!))
- Post Secret Books ((read with a hot cup of tea and tissues))
- Reality Boy
- Are you There, God? It's Me, Margaret by Judy Blume
- Forever by Judy Blume
- Other People's Words
- Good in Bed (It's not porn, I swear)
- Shift This
- Teach Like a Pirate
- Empower our Girls
- Under the Overpass
- Tattoos on the Heart
- Little Women
- Jane Eyre
.... ok.... gotta stop... this list could go on forever-eva
Favorite Places:
- My classroom. I'm not just saying this. I love those kids. Even when they don't love themselves.
- Fall day, lots of covers, windows open, rain outside... in bed.
- Assateague Island
- Family Cabin
- Disney
- Beach. Any beach, really.
- Barnes and Noble with a generous gift card
- Snuggled up with my babies
- On an adventure with the hub-a-lubs
Thank you for those of you who blew up my phone with your responses! I had a blast reading them and had several hearty laughs!
Thursday, July 18, 2019
Favorite things challenge
I don't know about you - but I like to add a few new things to my classroom each year. I also often NEED to add a few new things to my classroom.
I was browsing one of my favorite poster websites and saw the poster above. While I love all 12.5 rules, I found myself reflecting the most on number seven. I also found myself laughing at a few of these because I'm constantly telling my students about number one and number two.
Anywhoo... it got me thinking... why is it we make lists of what we have TO DO but we don't really spend time on what we have done, what we love, etc.
So here is the challenge... and spread it around the Internetz if you're reading this.
Share with me here in the comments or on Twitter (leighanne_geib) your favorite words, your favorite books, your favorite places or your favorite things.
Sunday, July 7, 2019
I love me some social media. Not even gonna front. I do.
I love connecting with my friends and family.
I love working my side hustle.
I love learning from my PLN on Twitter.
I like seeing what people are up to and what is going on in their lives. I love celebrating joys. And you can bet I'm your gal if you need prayer during sorrows and struggles.
However, there are some downsides to social media.
Lately I'm seeing people bashing teachers. Even other teachers bashing teachers! Why? And why on a public forum?
I am also seeing people making negative comments about their jobs and their districts.
So here's the question -- where is the solution? I get it. We all have bad days. We all have bad experiences from time to time. But complaining and whining goes nowhere. It might feel good... for a little while perhaps.... but if there IS a legitimate problem - bring a solution to the table!
Blow off the steam appropriately, ya'll. Whether you realize it or not, our students are watching us. Their families are watching us. We're to be role models. We're not meant to be perfect. But constantly whining and bringing no solution to the table makes you lose cool points in my book.
Sunday, June 30, 2019
Track Series
I set a goal for myself for this summer and into
This upcoming school year to expand my
classroom library. A request was made for me
to include more sports books. I snagged this
series on sale on Amazon before summer break and finally had a chance to sit down and read it.
I had never read anything by Jason Reynolds before. However, friends in my PLN has cautionedme. They told me that I need to make sure I
have the time to read this particular author
because once I would start, I most likely would
not be able to stop.
Not to be a Debbie Downer, but I’m not really
into sports lit. Or so I thought. I figured these
books would take me a few weeks to read at
least. Nope. I read them in less than 36 hours.
The story sucks you in. I would say that it’s
written on a middle school level for sure.
The characters are younger. But the
relationships. Wow. You simply can’t stop
reading. Everyone is intertwined in some way.
Everyone has a unique story. The lessons and messages are beautiful and inspiring. I would
venture to guess that if a reader was never an
athlete, these books may inspire them to join a
I can’t wait to “showcase” these books in
August. I also can’t wait to read some more of
Jason’s work. What a treat!!!
Tuesday, June 18, 2019
Book Review: Empower our Girls
Title: Empower out Girls - Open the door for Girls to Achieve More
Author(s): Lynmara Colon and Adam Welcome
Order the book here!
Additional information can be found here!
Subject/Scope/Type of Book: Nonfiction. Real truths. Research based. True stories/accounts. Perfect for anyone blessed to know a young girl today. Educators. Parents. Grandparents. And an eye opener for anyone in marketing.
Prior Knowledge/Experience:
I think it would be fair to first point out several factors.
We need to be careful about the messages we are sending to our girls today. From careers to crying and from life choices and finding our voices. Our girls are here and there's more to being female than looking pretty and having the babies. There's nothing wrong with wanting a career over a job. As adults, we have tremendous power. We need to make sure that our girls truly know their worth in an ever changing and incredibly judgmental world.
I found this book to be a fast read. Several times over you could probably hear me shouting out an "AMEN!" or a "Damn right!"
Author(s): Lynmara Colon and Adam Welcome
Order the book here!
Additional information can be found here!
Subject/Scope/Type of Book: Nonfiction. Real truths. Research based. True stories/accounts. Perfect for anyone blessed to know a young girl today. Educators. Parents. Grandparents. And an eye opener for anyone in marketing.
Prior Knowledge/Experience:
I think it would be fair to first point out several factors.
- I come from a long family line of independent and strong women.
- I am a proud member of the 244th graduating class of the Philadelphia High School for Girls.
- This book pretty much took me down a wonderful memory filled journey of my time in high school.
- This is just a little snippet of what it's like to be a Girls High Girl. I could post pages and pages about Girls High.
- I was the first girl in 150 years at Girls High to take on a leadership role as Editor in Chief of the school newspaper, The Iris --- two years in a row. Typically, this is only a role for seniors. I took it on as a junior and continued with it.
- Glass ceiling? What glass ceiling?
- I am still, to this day, in touch with many of my GHS sisters. I would not be the woman I am today if it were not for my experiences at Girls High.
We need to be careful about the messages we are sending to our girls today. From careers to crying and from life choices and finding our voices. Our girls are here and there's more to being female than looking pretty and having the babies. There's nothing wrong with wanting a career over a job. As adults, we have tremendous power. We need to make sure that our girls truly know their worth in an ever changing and incredibly judgmental world.
I found this book to be a fast read. Several times over you could probably hear me shouting out an "AMEN!" or a "Damn right!"
First of all, the foreword. Oh my gosh. Shelly Burgess. Can I just say....
And not just like, "Oh wow! Good point!" More like .... "Oh no she didn't....oh yes... yes, she did!" The foreword alone sucked me in. Then when I got to experience the words of Lynmara and Adam... I just could not stop reading!
The book really did make me feel like I was at home. I fondly remembered my Career Days at Girls High, the tribe of mentors I had in high school and even now. I found myself deeply touched by each chapter, especially when the authors talked about the power of courage and the sanctity of crying. I found myself relating because... well... I cry. I used to get really down on myself because society teaches us that crying is a sign of weakness. Being sensitive isn't a strength. This past year, my principal (MALE) reminded me that being sensitive is not a sign of weakness and crying is a sign of strength .
And while a trip down memory lane is all well and good -- I need to be thinking about my girls.
First of all - if you think society has "moved past" judging girls vs boys - you are wrong. Here's a photo to prove it:
My daughter will be four in September. In shorts (specifically) she wears a size 2T. On the left is her wearing a pair of girl shorts. On the right, she is wearing a pair of boy shorts. Both size 2T. The girl shorts are.... shorter. They're not functional for her for several reasons but mainly because she's a climber and loves to explore. One trip up a tree or down a slide in these shorts and it's not going to end well. If you look close enough... the boy shorts are not only longer - they're thicker. They're practically safer. They are definitely longer. And they have pockets.
My daughter is gorgeous. Seriously. She is. She has this stunning smile, these big blue eyes, and fair skin. Do I tell her she is beautiful? Yes! But do you know what I tell her more? I tell her that I love her more than I tell her that she is beautiful. I tell her that she is smart far faster than I tell her that she's pretty. I compliment her achievements far more than her fashion. I don't want to think her only worth is her physical appearance. There's so much more to my Nora. And the world will know that because she's quite assertive and quite confident in herself.
Me on left. Nora on right.
Nora rocking her new jammies.
I not only need to think about my girl, my biological girl.... but this book really has me "all up in my feelings" about how to talk to my GIRLS at school. I'm already brainstorming ways to have girl chats and boy chats. I'm thinking of strategies to help gals find their voice. I want to talk to current and former female students and ask them what message did I send them.... what lessons beyond the curriculum did they learn....what is it they wished they knew before leaving high school and entering the very real (and often very painful) world.
This book will open your eyes.
This book will make you think.
And I can almost guarantee you that you will never see a toy section of a store the same again. Seriously. Go check it out... after you buy this book. Buy it. Don't borrow it. It's important enough to own. Trust me.
2018-2019 Reflection
I think we all go through this.... sometimes (usually in February, if we're being honest) - we feel like the school year is never going to end. Ever. And then before you know it, you're grading final exams and wondering where on earth the year went.
This year was extremely challenging for me. I had a lot going on in my personal life which definitely had an impact on my health as well as my energy. Who are we kidding... those two go together.
The first challenge - which sounds so silly - was adjusting to life in a classroom of my own. I had an amazing para educator, but my partner in crime for over 10+ years ended up getting an office. We didn't have a fight. We didn't divorce. She's a busy chick and our department chair and when she was offered a place of her own, she took it! It was weird at first, but we ended up doing our Action Research together which meant we spent most Wednesday's together.
The second challenge - learning the ninth graders. These kids were/are pretty cool but they brought a lot of challenges. Something I need to reflect on this summer is how on earth to deal with cell phones. This will be addressed later... and maybe in an entirely new post altogether.
The third challenge - health/personal. My daughter started pre-school. One of the kids in her class is pretty much allergic to everything and another kid comes from a home that does not believe in vaccinating, preventing... and in my personal belief... hygiene. So either Nora was getting sick or she was a vector and getting us sick. In addition to this, my son was demonstrating some struggles and he was diagnosed with high functioning autism. Take this, plus the stress of life as a teacher in general, and my father getting pretty sick (was just taken off breathing machines this week!) -- my thyroid decided to take a crap which increased my pain ( x 1000 ) and decreased my energy.
- Amazing para-educator. We were able to differentiate instruction, master classroom management, do centers, and so much more.
- Reading The Maze Runner. This book was definitely (according to their surveys) the favorite read of the year.
- Watching The Maze Runner movie. The kids were blown away at the differences between book and movie.
- Increase in reading comprehension levels.
- Increase in reading fluency levels.
- Increase in vocabulary skills.
- Learning proper writing traits.
- Black Out Poetry (a hit!)
- Prime Time sessions
- Lots and lots of laughs
- Watching students come into my classroom as introverts and growing in their confidence.
- Dismissing a good amount of kids to regular education
- Amazing administrative support
- Writing letters to my students (must do this again! And again!)
- Being blessed with a new projector apple TV thingie! It even has volume, ya'll. VOLUME.
- Amazing IEP meetings - all year!!!!
- TIME to stay late and work at least once a week thanks to hubby's new job.
- Being one-to-one with students having laptops --- saved sooooooo much time ... and paper!
Now that it's summer... I have an official list of things I'd like to work on. I added to this throughout the year and now it's time to start planning it out.
- I'm curious to do some sort of online journaling with students - even if they write to me in a shared Google Doc. What scares me about this is that I'm a mandated reporter (and you most likely are as well if you're reading this) and I'd hate to find out someone wrote something with a "red flag" and I didn't see it.
- Now that we have laptops and I know what they're capable of - I want students to have a Language Arts folder on their laptops so that we can take notes, save things, do screen shots, etc. Work smarter, not harder.
- Notebooks. Ah... notebooks. I don't know why this happens. I don't even know how it happens sometimes... but students need to learn how to use notebooks. Folders aren't very reliable. Things fall out. Go missing. Etc. Binders are a dream that turn into a nightmare. They break. Get beat up. Etc. I use notebooks. What baffles me is why kids do not go in page order. Do I have them number the pages? Example: I'll say, "Take out your notebooks and turn to the very next blank page." I'll even walk around and see that the kids are there. And then some fool will claim they don't have the notes later in the week and they do have them.... like 71% in their notebook when it's only the third week of school. Things that make me go hmmmmm.
- I want a new desk and room set up. Even thinking about brining in a futon and coffee table for book chats. I can't get rid of my desk (sorry, Joy!) - but I do need to also come up with a system where kids don't go behind my desk.
- I want to teach e-mail etiquette next year. Getting emails like, "Why my grade drop?" And "hey i did this but you gave zero" = not cool. In addition to teaching this skill, I want to practice it daily - including checking e-mail and e-mailing case-managers. This will help my colleagues as well for writing samples and transition planning.
- More book chats
- Have a whole new way of planning for iLit now that I finally feel comfortable with it
- More hands on activities
- Student handbook activity -- will tie this in to the cell phone thing
- Using more library databases in classroom. Especially culture grams --- because this year I was shocked to learn how many students did not know that Russia is NOT a continent and there ARE in fact seven continents...
- And of course... even more student ownership
PS: Teachers do not have summers off. It's 10:46pm on June 18th... I've been "done" with school since the 13th and I'm planning in my office while everyone else is snoring.
Friday, May 31, 2019
So tell me... have you ever seen a prank "better" than this?
Seniors were here at 4am working on this. I came in at 6:30am. I must say it's a lot of cups... and a lot of water... and made for a very interesting day on morning duty for sure!
Seniors were here at 4am working on this. I came in at 6:30am. I must say it's a lot of cups... and a lot of water... and made for a very interesting day on morning duty for sure!
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Congratulations, Class of 2024!!
Graduation is such a special time. However, this year, it was downright heartbreaking in the most beautiful way. I honestly do not kno...

Image via Google Images How did THIS happen!?! I truly believe that reflection is a MAJOR part of an educator's day. Hopeful...
At 47 minutes I really got hooked when I'm hearing to find someone to support you - even if it is not someone in the school building. ...
This summer has been really good from a #personalizedPD standpoint for sure. First of all, this past weekend I had the fun pleasure of ...