Monday, June 6, 2022

End of School Year (part 2)

 What is something we did this year that you think you will remember for the rest of your life?

What is something you accomplished this year that you are proud of?

What is your favorite part about being in #phs117?

Sometimes I feel like I am too hard on my students... apparently not... so... now what?

End of school year (part 1)

I can't believe we survived the 2021-2022 school year.   This year was so tough!    And now the dust has settled and I know I don't need to quit or resign because I'm already looking forward to and planning for next year.    

This post is more for my reference, but feel free to read on.  

This year, I actually had time to give an end of year survey.    Tomorrow is the official last day of school.    I've been BEGGING my students to not fall prey to the dreaded summer slide.    

Here are some of their summer literacy goals....{You will need to click to make larger}

I also made sure to ask students how their relationship with reading changed this year:

I was also curious to hear more about what challenged them this year...


First Classroom Circle - Community Building!

On September 15th, I facilitated our first official classroom circle of the school year.   I told students about us being in Circle all week...