Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Criss cross apple sauce

While I'm not always going to post links from my personal blog here... I thought it would be neat to let ya'll know I'm trying (emphasis: I forget crap) to have a 30 day gratitude thang going on.

Honestly, consistency is a huge issue with me personally.   I can be consistent with anything for work and education.   But when it comes to ME... eh.... not so much.   

IF I like this exercise and it sparks joy (Marie Kondo got me all up in my feelings) I MAY (hehehe get ready for it...) do a 30 day gratitude thing for teaching for the last month of school.   See what I did there?

Lord have mercy, I need to find me some diet green tea.    This mama is tired and has the corny jokes to prove it!

Anywhoo... enjoy.


  1. ONE day at a time, LeighAnne! I have a chart for things I want to make a habit. I only add ONE new thing every month (or longer). I'm currently working on stretching every day... My gratitude comes and goes - it's easier to DO than to write about! ;D Enjoy it when you do get to it!

    1. I know what you mean! I wasn't feeling "unhappy" but seeing it "in writing" really has improved my mood! =^_^=


First Classroom Circle - Community Building!

On September 15th, I facilitated our first official classroom circle of the school year.   I told students about us being in Circle all week...