Tuesday, December 4, 2018
I'm not that teacher...
Who is excited for the Holiday Break?
I'd be lying if I said I wasn't.
I absolutely love this time of year. Seeing the excitement in the eyes of my own children.
Going for "scenic drives" home to admire the decorations of those in our neighborhood. Making fun crafts. Doing the advent calendar and devotions. Preparing for our Wigilia meal. All that good stuff.
But you see, not everyone looks forward to Christmas.
I'm not one to put a countdown to anything on my board/walls at school.
I just don't get it.
Years ago, I had a student with a TERRIBLE home life. The thought of being off for any amount of time was not a happy thought. School was a sanctuary for this student. School was a time for THEM. School was a place of PEACE.
So my fellow educators... be careful about what you count down to... not everyone will be going into this Holiday break with sparkles and smiles.
Monday, December 3, 2018
When you cry on a Monday...
Let's face it.
It happens.
Teachers are human. And sometimes tears are shed.
Tears of frustration.
Tears of anxiety.
Tears of ... well... anything.
Today.... it was tears of JOY.
Seriously, I came into work this morning to this:
It happens.
Teachers are human. And sometimes tears are shed.
Tears of frustration.
Tears of anxiety.
Tears of ... well... anything.
Today.... it was tears of JOY.
Seriously, I came into work this morning to this:
Because you see..... I have beliefs.
I truly believe that before learning takes place a student must feel two things. First of all, they must feel safe. Secondly, they must feel valued. If either of these things are lacking, you're in for an uphill battle.
I truly believe that we as teachers hold a significant amount of power.
I'm not talking about classroom management.
I'm talking about the power to take an "I can't" mindset away from a student and turn it to an "I can."
I'm talking about the power to take a negative attitude and turn it to a confident attitude.
I'm talking about taking a back row, hide my face so the teacher can't see me student and turning them into a LEADER.
We have that power ya'll.
It all starts with relationships. Then curriculum can come in.
Wednesday, November 7, 2018
Holy guacamole!
Talk about a pleasant surprise!
My laptop now hooks up to an Apple TV! Whoa!
The kids are THRILLED!
It was funny, one student said, "It's like having a fish tank in here!"
And then we discovered... that we could literally broadcast a fish tank with instrumental music why they worked.
So blessed!
Friday, November 2, 2018
National Author's Day
How did I NOT write about this?
Seriously, Leigh Anne, what is wrong with you!?!?
It was brought to my attention that yesterday was National Author's Day. Pretty cool, I thought. Wait. Wait a second... I AM AN AUTHOR!!! Ok, ok, I didn't write the whole book... but I was asked to contribute ... and my name IS on the cover!
Seriously, Leigh Anne, what is wrong with you!?!?
It was brought to my attention that yesterday was National Author's Day. Pretty cool, I thought. Wait. Wait a second... I AM AN AUTHOR!!! Ok, ok, I didn't write the whole book... but I was asked to contribute ... and my name IS on the cover!
If you do not know Jason or Kenny... you totally should. They're amazing. It was an honor being asked to contribute with these phenomenal educators. Treat yourself to the book! We're on Amazon. Seriously. That makes it like.... official official (as my kids would say). =^_^=
Wednesday, October 10, 2018
Teacher Hack!
They're my favorite. I use them for formative assessment all the time. Students also use them to brainstorm/draft their writing pieces. Not to mention, they're awesome as a bookmark and for using to jot down a "think aloud" in your book.
I love me my sticky notes. My super stickies.
This year I decided to put my washi tape to good use and have a designated area for the stickies instead of them being slapped up all over the room or on my desk. My amazing Para and her artsy self created this for me considering I'm vertically challenged. =^_^=
The kids noticed it immediately when they came in and were hype!
Such a simple and silly Shift... but it works!
Right now I really need to remember this. Lately, it seems that there's been some gossip and just altogether nonsense and it had /has me really down. I need to remember my people, my true people, who know me - this too shall pass... right? I hope!
Friday, October 5, 2018
Our principal sent us this awesome video and I seriously love it!
It reminds me of Shift This. Especially when Angela says, "We have to be willing to fail. To be wrong. To start over with lessons learned."
It reminds me of Shift This. Especially when Angela says, "We have to be willing to fail. To be wrong. To start over with lessons learned."
Wednesday, September 5, 2018
Funny kids!
My students can always make me laugh. Today a student sent me a message on Schoology with some "Teacher Memes" to make me laugh. I thought I'd pass them along. Funny kids! The tombstone one is my favorite. =^_^=
Monday, August 27, 2018
Article: The Danger of Teacher Nostalgia
"Nostalgia for the past is toxic when it makes us feel contempt toward the present."
I loved this article so much, I just had to share it.
Seriously. Take two minutes. Read. Reflect.
"Building strong relationships with students is arguably the most important factor in student and teacher success. And when we decide that “this group” has some kind of undesirable trait compared with “that group,” we prevent ourselves from really getting to know this group as individuals. It’s kind of a done deal."
I loved this article so much, I just had to share it.
Seriously. Take two minutes. Read. Reflect.
"Building strong relationships with students is arguably the most important factor in student and teacher success. And when we decide that “this group” has some kind of undesirable trait compared with “that group,” we prevent ourselves from really getting to know this group as individuals. It’s kind of a done deal."
Sunday, August 26, 2018
Sunday, August 12, 2018
Smile file
If you really want to know why I teach.
This right here.
I'm really going to miss having Mama D with us but so glad she made such a strong impact on my kids! On OUR kids!
Loving Mama D
Well, it's that time of the year.
Back to school.
Reflection on the past school year, planning for the year ahead.
As I opened up my laptop tonight, I found this letter I wrote to my amazing para, Deb. This past school year was only my second year having a para, and my first year working closely with Deb. She ended up retiring and I find myself missing her already even though we talk often. It's just going to be weird without Mama D in 117 with us. Seriously. It's going to be weird.
Anywhoo... if you're up for the challenge and a tear-jerker, here is the letter I wrote for her and read to her at her retirement shin-dig. :P
Back to school.
Reflection on the past school year, planning for the year ahead.
As I opened up my laptop tonight, I found this letter I wrote to my amazing para, Deb. This past school year was only my second year having a para, and my first year working closely with Deb. She ended up retiring and I find myself missing her already even though we talk often. It's just going to be weird without Mama D in 117 with us. Seriously. It's going to be weird.
Anywhoo... if you're up for the challenge and a tear-jerker, here is the letter I wrote for her and read to her at her retirement shin-dig. :P
June 2018
Dearest Deb,
When you put a Philly Girl together with a Jersey Girl... there are bound to be moments. And when you tell either of them that they are wrong about anything... it may not end well. A few weeks ago, you had made a comment that you were not a teacher. I beg to differ. Just like you do not need biological children to be a parent, it is my belief that you do not need a degree to be a teacher. The lessons that you taught these children beyond our curriculum are extensive. You have made a true and lasting impact.
For starters, let's talk about Katie. You gave her the affection and the dignity that it seems she so often lacks. You cared for her as if she were your own flesh and blood and you treated her not only with compassion, but love.
For our students you taught them many lessons in addition to the curriculum. Your standards were high and over time you went from being "Mrs. D." to "Mama D." You loved them through it despite the many challenges and their many flaws. I had the distinct pleasure and honor to watch these students grow from boys and girls into young men and young women. You taught them with tough love, brutal honesty, and extreme grace. You never once gave up on them nor did you let them get away with even attempting to get lazy. To them, disappointing you or I was the ultimate offense.
For three students in particular, you formed really tight bonds. Let's start with our girl Cayla. You taught Cayla what it means to be proud of herself and how to hold her head high despite her many challenges.
Next up is our gal Eliza. Eliza went from avoiding you to not being able to have a good day without checking in with you and giving you a hug. You taught her how to be a lady, how to fight the good fight without throwing punches, and how to stand tall and proud with each accomplishment.
Lastly, let's talk about our Wes. He can without a doubt be difficult. He can hold things in. He used to suffer in silence. As he got to know you, he blossomed into a stronger man and he learned that his feelings are valid, he truly does have worth, and he never has been and never will be a failure. So when you say you are not a teacher... I beg to differ. I'm from Philly and I will fight you on this.
Deb, you have been an extreme blessing in my life not only as a colleague but as a friend. Selfishly, I want you to stay. But your retirement even teaches the students the importance of a vow and a covenant. You need to dedicate your time to your husband even through these trying times and the kids picked up on it. You have the biggest heart and most generous spirit. I will miss you being with me every single day. I'll probably have to bring up some of my former Catholic roots and have a Mama D shrine somewhere. I cannot thank you enough for all you have done for me, but especially these students.
Leigh Anne
Friday, June 8, 2018
Feedback (part 1)
The school year is coming to a close and I'm super paranoid about forgetting to upload these photos - here are some amazing copies of student feedback about our year. I'm going to try to do another post later.
Thursday, May 24, 2018
Too funny!
My students crack me up! Today, after days of state testing, I gave them a very simple bell ringer. We're presently reading The Little Prince. I said to them, "Draw Me A Sheep." If you've read the book, you know how hilariously appropriate this is. Well played, kids. Well played.
Tuesday, May 22, 2018
Just a preview...
This is just a small preview of the books on my reading list for this summer.
My goal is to read one book per week. I also have quite the stack for YA lit as well. I'm really looking forward to a summer with my family and learning/networking while my babies sleep. =^_^=
What is on your personal and professional reading list this summer?
Look me up on GoodReads!
Or of course... Twitter!
Thursday, May 17, 2018
The Power of Student Choice
This year, I made many Shifts to my teaching that greatly impacted my classroom environment. For the most part, it was all positive. Scary for me, yes. But positive. I made the decision that a risk I wanted to take was to give my students more control and more choice. For the most part, students did extremely well. Of course, I had a few goobers trying to push the limits, and they were appropriately disciplined.
During Teacher Appreciation Week, the students are able to go to the main office and fill out a "Teacher Kudos" form. Basically, they fill it out, it goes in a bucket for a drawing, and then when all is said and done every teacher gets their Kudo.
This year, I received eleven awesome Kudos from my kiddos. The one had said that they like me because my class is fun and I let them do whatever they want. Agh. That could totally be interpreted the wrong way. I met with the student and first thanked them for thinking of me and told them I appreciated the Kudo. I then asked them to clarify their statement. They told me that they really liked being able to have choices in my room. They liked being able to choose an article of their interest to apply their current reading strategy. They liked being able to choose their seat. They liked being able to work independently and call on me when they were stuck rather than me be all up in their bubble.
As I reflected on this I thought... time to ask all students what they thought about student choice. The conversations that were had yesterday afternoon were simply amazing. One student said, "You know we have some problems with our learning but you don't treat us like we can't do something."
Here are some images of their writings - these are the only ones I had permission to share.
I would seriously love your thoughts on this! Please send me a message/tweet or comment below!
During Teacher Appreciation Week, the students are able to go to the main office and fill out a "Teacher Kudos" form. Basically, they fill it out, it goes in a bucket for a drawing, and then when all is said and done every teacher gets their Kudo.
This year, I received eleven awesome Kudos from my kiddos. The one had said that they like me because my class is fun and I let them do whatever they want. Agh. That could totally be interpreted the wrong way. I met with the student and first thanked them for thinking of me and told them I appreciated the Kudo. I then asked them to clarify their statement. They told me that they really liked being able to have choices in my room. They liked being able to choose an article of their interest to apply their current reading strategy. They liked being able to choose their seat. They liked being able to work independently and call on me when they were stuck rather than me be all up in their bubble.
As I reflected on this I thought... time to ask all students what they thought about student choice. The conversations that were had yesterday afternoon were simply amazing. One student said, "You know we have some problems with our learning but you don't treat us like we can't do something."
Here are some images of their writings - these are the only ones I had permission to share.
I would seriously love your thoughts on this! Please send me a message/tweet or comment below!
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