Friday, April 14, 2023
Thursday, April 13, 2023
On educators... and growth... and dare I say it... GRACE AND FORGIVENESS
I've been texting/chatting with some of my teacher pals/PLN and before any sort of doubt or "eh" enters your brain ... if you teach with me, please do not assume that this is about you or anyone in our district --- it's simply a reflective observation. However, this is something we all can do - whether you're in education or not.
I say this because ...
Just like our students mature, teachers mature. When I graduated from MU and started teaching full-time in 2005, I was not the same teacher THEN as I am TODAY and NOW. I'm not. And guess what? You probably aren't either. Heck, if you taught with me last year, you'll know I'm a constant work in progress (and you are, too).
I'll never forget my interview for my current teaching job 18+ years ago. The man who interviewed before me looked so "with it" -- he had a super nice suit on, shiny shoes, an expensive-looking briefcase... I felt a bit intimidated by him. He was older, and therefore, in my opinion at the time, probably wiser. He most definitely had more experience.
When it was my turn to be interviewed, all seemed to be going well. The principal at the time asked me one last question. She said, "What makes you better than the gentleman that just left?" I remember telling her, "Well, I don't know him -- but technically speaking... in a stereotypical sense... I'm young and stupid." She laughed and asked me what I meant by that. I told her that the man before me is not really my business, but I assume he has taught elsewhere. I have not. I'm fresh out of college (hence the young) and never worked full-time as a teacher for any school district (hence the stupid) so a perk of hiring me is that if/when I made a mistake, she would never hear me rattle off about "how things were done at my previous district" because I literally have no previous district to speak of. She then asked me if I had the rest of the afternoon free and escorted me to the District Office for round two and then to sign my first-ever teaching contract.
My point in sharing this is to say to you, dear reader, that it's okay to be vulnerable and to admit what you know and do not know.
From day one as a teacher, it has always been my priority to form strong relationships with my students. Relationships are important. However, I'm not the same person who I was LAST MONTH let alone 18 years ago.
- I think it is important to remember that if you're holding a grudge or any sort of ill-will/negative feeling towards someone over something that happened weeks/months/years ago... it's time to reconcile and reconnect.
- If you're judging someone NOW based on something they did or said weeks/months/years ago ... it is time to reconcile and reconnect.
When you're working with our youth, relationships are important --- not just the relationships you have with the youth in your building, but will all people in the building. As I've been chatting/reflecting, I realized that I'm blessed to work wit some amazing people but I'm guilty in that I don't tell them how amazing they are. So, if you ARE one of my co-workers: I see you. You rock!
One of the things I love about my teacher pals/PLN is we're not afraid to call one another out on our nonsense and we did that with one another {in a loving way} this past week. We talked about our challenges, our stresses, etc and we offered constructive criticism, challenges, and advice. We each were given praise. We each were given a "challenge."
And what we came down to is that
- ....there is serious power in time.
- There is serious power in conversation.
- There is serious power in grace.
- There is serious power in restoring dignity and lifting others up.
- There is serious power in forgiveness.
All of these things lead to the serious power of being connected and working together for the greater good. If for some reason you are reading this and you wonder if I have a problem with you, please know I don't.
My challenge to you:
- ...if there is someone in your professional life, (specifically your place of work because I do think personal life is a bit different...) that you have judged or are judging.... try to reconnect with them and make peace.
- ...If there is someone in your professional life who you tend to avoid, try to do something kind for them - even if it is as simple as a compliment.
People pick up on energy. Especially the people we teach. The higher the positivity, the higher the achievement.
Spring Break
I saw the T-shirt above as a pop-up ad, and while I did not purchase it {But you can HERE}, it did resonate with me.
Spring Break this year was NEEDED. I felt a lot of "eh" and "blah" coming at me and even through me on the days leading up to break. It seemed like everywhere I turned, someone was in a foul mood. When I feel the "ugh" start coming on, I immediately do my best to get out into nature.
This Spring Break we headed down to one of our favorite spots, Virginia! Specifically Skyline Drive/Shenandoah and Harrisonburg where the EMU main campus is located. Here are just a few {emphasis on few} of my favorite photos. The break was refreshing and good for the soul. Yesterday was our first day back to school and I really missed my students. I can't believe that summer break is less than two months away!
Wednesday, April 12, 2023
Restorative Justice in RJE & a PodCast Recommendation
It's no secret that I'm a huge fan of Eastern Mennonite University and what I have studied there and what I am presently studying. This past summer, I began classes in the "TREE" program. TREE = Trauma and Resilience in Educational Environments. As I began working in this program, I found myself falling in love with what I'm learning. I confess that originally I had decided to "go back to school" for the financial bonus of going from "Masters pay" to "M +15" which I'll reach this August. I had no idea how deeply I'd be impacted by what I'm learning. After talking with my academic advisor about what I was feeling, he suggested I work towards a second certificate: Restorative Justice in Education.
Once again, I find myself completely BLOWN AWAY and INSPIRED by what I'm learning. I'm presently enrolled in Foundations of Restorative Justice. I went into this class really not knowing what RJ was. The more I learn, the more I read, the more I chat with my professor and colleagues - the more I feel in my bones that this is NOT some sort of "educational fad" but truly is a mindset shift, and in my opinion, the right way to go.
Friday, April 7, 2023
Maslow, Maslow, Maslow.... but really... BLACKFOOT
Did you know that the Blackfoot inspired Maslow?
Give that a click and prepare yourself to be enlightened!
Be Kind
This song is amazing! <---- click that
Take a minute... or well.. about four.... and rock out!
Seriously catchy and the message is on point!
Zee Lyrics:
La, la-la-la, la-la-la-la-la
If you got lots of money or you got next to none
Or where you think we all go when we die
It ain't on my mind if you're big or small
How long it takes you to get up when you fall
Or if you can or cannot handle the spice
I'll be kind to you
Could you be kind to me?
Kind to me
It's all I'm asking
La, la-la-la, la-la-la-la-la (could you be kind to me?)
La, la-la-la, la-la-la-la-la (could you be kind? Could you be kind to me?)
La, la-la-la, la-la-la-la-la (could you be kind? Could you be kind?)
Or if the body you're born in don't define you
We're all taking different ways into Rome
If you get off to guys, girls, both kind
Or someone in-between
Or like to dress up even when it ain't Halloween
I don't mind, I say each to their own
I'll be kind to you
Could you be kind to me?
Kind to me
It's all I'm asking
La, la-la-la, la-la-la-la-la (could you be kind to me?)
La, la-la-la, la-la-la-la-la (could you be kind? Could you be kind to me?)
La, la-la-la, la-la-la-la-la (could you be kind? Could you be kind?)
It's you and I might see a few things differently
I'll be kind to you
Could you be kind to me?
La, la-la-la, la-la-la-la-la (could you be kind? Could you be kind to me?)
La, la-la-la, la-la-la-la-la (could you be kind? Could you be kind to me?)
La, la-la-la, la-la-la-la-la (could you be kind? Could you be kind?)
I'll be kind to you, oh
Could you be kind to me?
(Could you be kind?)
Kind to me
Congratulations, Class of 2024!!
Graduation is such a special time. However, this year, it was downright heartbreaking in the most beautiful way. I honestly do not kno...

Image via Google Images How did THIS happen!?! I truly believe that reflection is a MAJOR part of an educator's day. Hopeful...
At 47 minutes I really got hooked when I'm hearing to find someone to support you - even if it is not someone in the school building. ...
This summer has been really good from a #personalizedPD standpoint for sure. First of all, this past weekend I had the fun pleasure of ...