Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Update to last entry

In my last entry I had said the following...

I printed a variety of comics regarding cell phone usage and students were given the
task to analyze each image, describe it, reflect, and share.   Once we are done, we are going to transition into  finding a solution for our phone love without robbing them of their pleasure or education.

Below are the images students had to look at, analyze, describe and reflect on after I modeled the task with a separate image:

Students dove right in!   (Have I ever told you how much I love these kids?)

After completing the writing task students shared books and compared their thoughts.   We then had whole group discussion talking about each image.  

We ended the class talking about what students feel the rule should be regarding phones in our class.   It was pretty much a 100% agreement that phones should be a privilege and not a right.  Most students had said that they feel that they should only receive a consequence if they can not maintain their focus.    All students agreed that taking their phones to the bathroom was gross and kind of dangerous (one slip and a flush...)

We had a really meaningful discussion in all classes and I truly believe the students hadn't noticed how bad their "obsession" was getting.    One student made a VERY valid point in that cell phone rules are confusing because every teacher they have has a different policy.   

Students want to go back to my original rule of not abusing and asking for permission.   They also want to have me to continue to allow charging in class on the counters while students are receiving instruction.   

I'm really proud of the kids.   They took the assignment seriously and it was great hearing different perspectives.   I love listening to their conversations.   I'm nosy like that.    It's important to me that my students have a voice.   It's important to me that they know that I am listening and I do hear them.    

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