I continue to grow as an educator with the help of the awesome people in my PLN. One such awesome person I've written about before is Carrie. I was inspired by one of her more recent videos
(seriously... click that link) to try GROUP sketchnoting.
So let's set the stage, shall we?
We're getting ready to launch into our class novel. Nothing But the Truth by Avi. So I decided to make a handy-dandy powerpoint and tell my kiddos a story. Yep, we're in high school and I had story time. #winning
I tell the kids that Avi was an awesome reader. (*Insert students rolling eyes here*)
He was. He is.
But... he hated writing. (*Insert shocked facial expressions throughout the room*)
True story. Could my students relate? Um... yes!
As the story unfolds my students learn that Avi struggled sooooo much in writing that he flunked out of his first high school and was then sent to a second "special" high school which helped low readers and writers. (*Ummmm welcome to our world! My room is that 'special place')
In addition to this struggle, he needed ADDITIONAL help from a writing tutor. This writing tutor is the one who lit the fire under Avi and helped him figure himself out. Years later (so sad!) Avi discovers he has a learning disability, dysgraphia. (*minds blown*)
After story time, I explained to students that it's time to make another Shift and take a risk at the same time. We were going to attempt group sketchnoting. I didn't follow it exactly as Carrie explains it but we did the best we could with what we have.
Two of my students, in particular, took an even better risk. Even after explaining more than once that this would be a joint effort, they asked to work on their own as they prefer to do. Both students are incredibly artistic and extremely introverted when it comes to projects. I explained to them that part of the risk in this task is to work together. They looked at one another, shrugged their shoulders and dove right in! I was shocked! There were three other adults in the room (roomie, para, and TSS) and the conversations we witnessed were amazing. They completely exceeded my expectations. I am beyond proud! They stepped out of their comfort zone and took information from story time and made this masterpiece.
And THEN.... they let me take their picture! When they were looking!
(Yes, I have their permission to show you.)
Have I ever mentioned that I love what I do?
PHS Traits of an Effective Classroom used in this lesson: student-centered, high levels of engagement, authentic learning, creativity, risk-taking
I am crying!!! The risks are worth it. For us to share our ideas, for us to take an idea and decide to use it, for us to shift our mindset, or usual for us to leap and bring students with us....it is worth it. And to know that our ideas and risks have the potential to bring out so much in others because we took the first step....oh my heart! I am beyond giddy for you, the story and stage you set. You let them have permission to know that they are not alone and then you expected and in expecting you pushed and then they met your expectations. OHHHHHHH!!!! I am absolutely beyond happy!!! I could feel the moment!! These are the best!!!