Saturday, June 15, 2024

Congratulations, Class of 2024!!

 Graduation is such a special time.    However, this year, it was downright heartbreaking in the most beautiful way.   I honestly do not know what my new "normal" will look like without these amazing young men and women in the building next year.   

Each of these young men and women have made a truly lasting impact on me.   They have made me a better teacher.   We have challenged one another, shared joys and sorrows.   We have celebrated and complained.   But most of all, we have genuinely cared for and loved one another.    Build those relationships with the youth of today, I promise you, you will not regret it.

And just like that...

 ... the 2023-2024 school year has come to a close.    Looking back, I am well aware I probably should have been blogging.   This year I poured every ounce of my being in being super conscious and intentional in regard to teaching restoratively.    

True to form - we did a lot of reflection this year.   Here are some of the tid-bits students shared with me on their final reflections.  

On the last day of school, I asked students to take a risk and do a "Start-Stop-Keep" Task.    I explained to them one last time that their wants and their ideas are important to me.    What is it I should START doing?   What is it I should STOP doing?   What should I KEEP doing?  

Students asked me to STOP doing progress monitoring on Wednesdays when we were on an altered schedule.   They knew I could not change the bell schedule, but they suggested we NOT progress monitor on Wednesdays.    They concluded that Wednesday's and Friday's would be perfect days for being in Circle.   Two of my four classes suggested we have a "mini" Circle on Wednesday's and then after Progress Monitoring on Friday, we get into Circle so that they go into their weekend "armed."  

Students asked me to START doing personal journals immediately and not to wait until mid-year.    They found their personal journals (ones I never ever read) to be incredibly therapeutic and relaxing.    Students also asked for me to see if there was a way to add more twinkle lights to our already small classroom.  

It has been a wonderful year.   I can't believe August will mark the start of year TWENTY for me.  


Friday, June 7, 2024

Smile file tid-bits

Just a few (and Lord do I mean FEW) things that have made me smile recently.  

I am blessed.


Congratulations, Class of 2024!!

 Graduation is such a special time.    However, this year, it was downright heartbreaking in the most beautiful way.   I honestly do not kno...